篝菊 (かがりぎく)
誠に有難うございました 御礼申し上げます
いけばな発祥の地 池坊で学べることの感謝と
喜びをこめ OB生全員でいけました
たくさんの野菊は 池坊を愛する私達の姿
これからも 一生懸命伸び上がってまいります
皆様の心にも 明日への輝き(篝・かがり)が
花開きますよう どうぞ
森部立花研究室OB花展 「黎明」
Title: Kagari Giku
Watch fire(Kagari)-looking assemblage of chrysanthemums(Giku)
We’d like to address our sincere thanks to you for visiting our website ‘Moribe Class OB Online Flower Exhibition’.
All OB members took part in arranging the work ‘Kagari Giku’, reminding ourselves how grateful and joyous to learn at the Ikenobo which is the birthplace of ikebana.
So many wild chrysanthemums were used to complete this work, and they represent ourselves who are attached to Ikenobo.
We’ll be trying with ceaseless efforts to grow further.Wish the flames in your heart also will be flaring as brightly as our Kagari Giku to flourish.
Highly appreciating your continuous support,brightest regards.
November, 2021
Moribe Rikka Kenkyushitsu OB Flower Exhibition
Theme “Reimei (dawn)”